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iCanProgress (Ontario Edition)

4.4 ( 6544 ratings )
Utvecklare: Miramar Design Studio Inc.

Welcome to iCanProgress
Innovation in Pedagogical Documentation
(Ontario Edition)

In the fast-paced and unpredictable school day, even the most effective teachers struggle to provide the ideal amount of timely descriptive feedback to their students. At the same time, parents desire to be more regularly involved in their child’s progress and learning. iCanProgress has been specifically designed to strengthen communication between teachers, students and parents regarding student progress, and is directly aligned with the Ontario Curriculum.

The iCanProgress Suite is delivered in the form of TWO apps:
‘Teacher App” and ‘Parent App’

The ‘Teacher App’ (iOS & web-based) is an innovative “Grade Book” that assists teachers with pedagogical documentation of individual student progress, through the ability to capture each student’s learning journey via pictures and footage, anecdotal notes, customizable checklists and rubrics. By the end of each Reporting Period, teachers will be able to cross-reference all evidence of student learning, making the Report Card writing process more efficient and authentic.

The ‘Parent App’ (web-based) gives teachers the ability share data (notes, pictures, footage, checklists, rubrics, final grades) directly with students and parents. This facilitates immediate descriptive feedback to students and parents, making meaningful communication between teachers, students and parents a user-friendly reality.

Authentic Assessment:

iCanProgress assists with pedagogical documentation of individual student progress through the ability to capture “teachable moments” via pictures, footage and anecdotal notes. In the 21st century classroom, it is critical that students become active participants in their own learning through real-life contexts. Authentic assessment means making student learning “visible” within these contexts.

Timely Descriptive Feedback:

iCanProgress supports teachers in providing timely descriptive feedback to students and parents. Learners find new, personalized venues into learning, and become more critical and self-reflective thinkers.

Customizable Checklists and Rubrics:

The app’s customizable Rubric Creator uses the Ontario Achievement Chart (K I C A), and offers pre-loaded qualifiers for Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. All student data, from formative tasks to summative assessments, will be organized and stored in one place (less photocopying, less binders, no more assignments lost).

Aligned with Ontario Curriculum:

iCanProgress allows Ontario teachers to create rich learning tasks that are directly aligned with the Ontario Curriculum expectations (K-8 currently). Teachers input Learning Goals and Success Criteria into these learning tasks, and can effectively measure individual student progress as they strive to achieve these goals.